Informations générales

By resolution of the Board of Directors, the Annual General Meeting shall be held at the registered office, on 10 June 2023, at 12:00 noon, on first call and, if required, on second call on the following day at the same venue and time, to consider and resolve the matters included in the Agenda. Remote attendance to the General Shareholders Meeting will also be available under the terms indicated in the call notice.

Accordingly, shareholders and their representatives may exercise their right to attend both in person and by using telematic means that allow real-time connection with the venue where the Meeting is being held, under the terms stipulated in the call notice, notwithstanding the right to cast votes and appoint representatives by remote communication means ahead of the Meeting.

The CONSTRUCCIONES Y AUXILIAR DE FERROCARRILES, S.A. website serves as a channel to provide constant, up-to-date information for shareholders and the markets in general. In this respect, the Company has a Shareholders and Investor Relations Office which can be contacted for any Company-related matters.

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