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CAF in the world

Analyst coverage

Last modification: 12/18/2023

Alantra Equities Álvaro Lenze BUY 38,1 27/02/2023
Banco Sabadell Alfredo del Cerro BUY 44,9 15/06/2023
Santander Jaime Escribano BUY 51,7 10/11/2023
Bankinter Aránzazu Cortina BUY 36,2 30/01/2023
Bestinver Securities Enrique Yaguez BUY 47,8 13/12/2023
Caixabank-BPI Bruno Bessa BUY 43,3 02/06/2023
Exane BNP Paribas Francisco Ruiz NEUTRAL 34 05/09/2023
GVC Gaesco Íñigo Recio BUY 42 08/11/2023
JB Capital Alberto Espelosín BUY 44,3 16/10/2022
Kepler Cheuvreux Pablo Cuadrado BUY 42 25/04/2023
Mirabaud Securities Manuel Lorente BUY 35,3 27/02/2023
Norbolsa Ane Roa BUY 38,5 17/01/2023
ODDO BHF Quentin Borie BUY 38 24/07/2023
Intermoney Valores Julián Pérez BUY 38 31/07/2022
Renta 4 César Sánchez-Grande BUY 44,6 24/07/2023
Societe Generale Alasdair Leslie BUY 42 07/12/2023
P.O. medio - - 41,3 -

HOLD: 6%


This list contains third-party independent organisations that review CAF S.A. as a listed company. This list is not necessarily exhaustive, can be subject to changes and serves only for informational purposes and it does not constitute any of the information that is legally required to be provided to shareholders and investors.


This consensus is based on the estimates received from the sell-side analysts who cover CAF on a regular basis and who have sent CAF their estimates for the referred period.


Main figures (M€) 1Q2024 Estimated (mean)
Revenue 1.023M€
Mg EBIT 4,8%
Profit attributable to the Parent 25M€
Number of analysts participating in the consensus 11


No warranty, either express or implied, is made as to the impartiality, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or the opinions or statements expressed by the analysts. Nor does CAF, S.A. in any way endorse the information published by these analysts simply by citing them on the company's website, which is done solely by way of courtesy, as the analysts' reports and estimates may be consulted through other channels.

Estimates, forecasts, opinions or recommendations issued by analysts should not be construed as guarantees of future performance or results, nor should they be construed as advice or recommendations from CAF, S.A, to buy, sell or hold shares in CAF. S.A, or any other securities or investments of any kind, neither does it aim to offer any type of financial product or service.

Any decision made by third parties as a result of the information issued by the analysts is at the sole and exclusive risk and responsibility of the said third party, and neither CAF, S.A. nor its subsidiaries or representatives will be liable for any damage or assume any liability of any kind arising from the use of this information.

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